Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some of my favourite songs

I just discovered two of my favourite songs were written by the same person.

"In Christ Alone" and "How Deep the Father's Love for Us"

They are both powerful songs that move me every time I hear them. They both contain so much truth, it's amazing. Not since I was first introduced to the likes of Michael Card and Don Francisco have I heard the Truth written so beautifully.
They are hymns, which isn't normally my style, but the words, they just can't be denied. I actually thought How Deep the Father's Love was on old hymn...I'm sure I'm not the only one!

“In Christ Alone”
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway Thankyou Music

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand

That last verse gets me every time. I'm a blubbering fool every time I sing it.

How Deep the Father's Love for Us

Written by Stuart Townend

"How Deep the Father's Love For Us"

How deep the Father's love for us,
how vast beyond all measure
That he should give his only son,
to make a wretch his treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
the Father turned his face away
As wounds which mar the chosen one,
bring many sons to glory

Behold the man upon a cross,
my sin upon his shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held him there
until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life;
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything:
no gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ;
his death and resurrection

Why should I gain from his reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart:
his wounds have paid my ransom

© 1995 Kingsway's Thankyou Music
Album: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

Great songs, if you haven't heard them, I'm sure you can find videos of them on youtube.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Anxiety Attacks

I've been having anxiety attacks.


I went to the doctor because I didn't know I was having anxiety, because when the attacks were happening, I didn't feel anxious about anything, my brain seemed just fine.

Only... I was/am having heart palpitations, my extremities would go numb, my face would go numb, butterflies in my stomach, cold spots on my legs etc etc etc.

Doc says anxiety.

I can think of two distinct periods of time when they have been the worst over the past several months, both times coincided with when I started getting serious about my eating habits.

This is not good.

I need to spend some serious time thinking about what this means, and how to get over this. I need to lose weight, but, for some reason I obviously don't want too.

I hate my brain, seriously, this is messed up.

I need to go lay on a couch and tell someone about my mother, eh? ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was at work today sorting mail and a letter caught my eye.

The street name it came from was Underhill in Burnaby BC.

It made me smile. :) It brought me back.
In my teens and early 20's I played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons, and one memorable game my group had to name a city we had just conquered. We spent hours thinking of a name, we finally settled on Underhill. It happened to be the first name we thought of. Then, the very frustrated DM told us players we should have asked the citizens of the city what they called the city...Underhill. Good, giddy, tired times. When I remember things like this I wonder if the people who are part of my memories ever look back with fondness. I know I do.

But then, there is other stuff...people have been posting a lot of old pics on's amazing how painful a simple picture can be if you are unprepared for it.

I think too much of my life happened in High School and early 20's. I try to keep the door to the past fully shut *esp after this summer*, but if something slips through a crack, I may poke around a bit for a couple of days before firmly shutting the door again.

Today Underhill slipped under the door, and I was vulnerable to the other stuff.

I'm glad things are calm and stable now. I'm very grateful that I am with someone who loves me, really loves me. God has truly blessed me in spite of my previous missteps and bad choices.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Had a good time today...

First we spent ALL day (okay 6 1/2 hours) building his marble run. A cool thing you build, the marbles go down a track. It was frustrating, but, I did manage to put the whole thing together eventually. LOL

Then during dinner Mike asked if he could have a blog. We saw no reason why not, as we would be typing it, and monitoring his email. So I got him an email address and set up a blog for him. He dictated his first post, so cute. :) I think he was really surprised we said yes.

Nick pulled out one of his teeth today, it was sooo loose, it had to go. It didn't even bleed or hurt. He currently has two adult teeth, and three holes in his mouth, it's cute.

Such small things, but the smile on his face...

I can't believe how fast he's growing up.

Sigh...I do love being his mom :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A little sad, sigh

I realized this morning that if I hadn't lost that baby this summer I'd be really far along in my pregnancy.

So, I looked it up. 27 weeks. Third trimester. Michael would know if he was getting a brother or a sister, we'd definitely making plans where he or she was going to fit in our house. Our whole lives would be getting ready to change.

Who knows how differently this year would have turned out.

Well, God knows.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cool experience driving home today

I was driving home from work with a lot on my mind.

The transit strike is over it looks like, so I was thinking about that. And, how I'm hoping the city didn't end up costing the average joe like me more in taxes. Along with the budget deficit, I'm wondering where the federal government is going to GET that 64 billion dollars...

I was listing in my head all the things that are proof that we are right at the limit right now.

We don't live above our means
2 cars, one is a 1994 and needs to be replaced, badly. 1 is a 2001...and is a Ford ;)
We live in a semi, we didn't buy more than we could afford.
We don't buy clothes often, I badly need some new clothes.

Our taxes have gone up steadily for years. the pay raises we have had can in no way match the increase in taxes and costs, since I've moved up here our cost of living has risen steadily, so our quality of life has gone down.

I'm counting our pennies when I go the grocery store. We don't eat out, except occasionally when we will get McDonalds after church. We don't have extras for movies or vacations. But we do our best to save in our RRSP's...which has gone down by half this past year.

Currently, I'm looking for a second job while hubby is off on a medical leave. We aren't sure when he can go back to work right now.

My pay has actually gone DOWN this year.

School expenses have gone up, etc etc etc.

So I was listing all of this in my head, and getting agitated, more and more worried.

All of a sudden, I kid you not, my car filled with the scent of jasmine. I have no air fresheners in my car.

I live in Canada, and there is at least 2 feet of snow on the ground. There are no flowers blooming at all here, everything is in hibernation. When the car filled with the scent, a peace came over me. There is no where that scent could have come from, and my car def doesn't smell like jasmine on a regular usually smells a little like gasoline...from the small gas leak. sigh. :)

I really think God sent me that reminder to get my attention. I need to remember that He knows all of this going on. He is the one who provides, He will be faithful until the end. My job is to serve Him, glorify Him and cast all my cares upon Him.

Even so...Come Quickly Lord Jesus! :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I watched the ball drop abot 20 mins ago and now I'm examining 2008.

On first look, it pretty well sucked

The beginning of the year started out well, I was with my parents and had a nice visit there.

Then I settled in for the worst winter since I moved here. In march, Michael and I got to go to my brothers wedding in CA while Nick dealt with with a 50 cm snowfall.

Within a few weeks of me getting back I crashed and burned and was in the hospital for depression.

I was off work for a few months while I did 'the program'. Towards the end, I had a huge stressful situation to deal with workwise, the same week I found out that I was pregnant again.

The work situation worked out, but I lost the baby before the week was out. I've done research and my PCOS can cause recurrent miscarriage.

Once I graduated I was back to work full time. Nick on the other hand had some of his own challenges to deal with.
Throughout the fall I tried not to focus on the economy and uncertainty, and focus on the positive things going on.

As the year comes to a close I find myself struggling.

But, I should quantify the things that went right this year.

1) I'm still here
2) I finally finished my college diploma
3) Michael is doing well in school
4) We are all basically healthy
5) I have a new niece :)

That's all i can come up with right now...